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NCCOS 25 Year Anniversary

24 October 2024

Nicole LeBoeuf, assistant administrator of NOAA’s National Ocean Service, reflects on the milestone anniversary of NOAA’s National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science and their mission to sustain coastal communities and economies through cutting-edge science and science-based solutions.

For 25 years, the people and programs that make up NOAA’s National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science, better known as NCCOS, have delivered cutting-edge science and science-based solutions to sustain thriving coastal communities and economies.

Their leadership and dedication to coastal ocean science and stewardship has greatly advanced NOAA’s mission.

NCCOS provides coastal managers with the science necessary to make informed decisions to protect environmental resources and habitats, safeguard public health through harmful algal bloom forecasts, support the nation in alternative energy, and improve community resilience to coastal hazards.

With teams in headquarters and four laboratory campus locations, NCCOS conducts research in collaboration with federal, state, Tribal, academic, and public partners to address our country’s diverse coastal and ocean needs.

NCCOS scientists also actively engage with partners and communities in on-the-ground efforts throughout U.S. coastal areas and the Great Lakes to address various challenges, including harmful algal blooms, hypoxia, sea level rise, pollution, and more.

Coastal hazards are becoming more frequent, and the demand for coastal science has never been greater.

Communities will continue to rely upon NCCOS’s science and expertise to guide decision-making and to strengthen our coastal resilience and adaptation planning.

I am grateful for the entire NCCOS workforce: their expertise, commitment, mission focus, and impactful contributions.

Please join me in celebrating this significant milestone and wishing them well for their next 25 years!

Assistant Administrator Portrait

Nicole R. LeBoeuf
Assistant Administrator,
National Ocean Service

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